Regina Folster-Holst
Past President of European Society for Pediatric Dermatology, Germany
Title: Paraviral exanthems in childhood
Biography: Regina Folster-Holst
Exanthems are common skin diseases in childhood and are usually related to viral infections. Th e infection triggers the exanthema directly (e. g. varicella, herpes simplex, enteroviruses), via an immune response (para viral exanthems as Gianotti-Crosti-syndrome, Pityriasis rosea) or by interactions with drugs (e. g. amoxicillin exanthem in patients with infectious mononucleosis). Para viral exanthems are distinct skin diseases related to infections with diff erent viruses. While infections are caused due to the viral infection, paraviral exanthems reflects the response of the immune system to the viruses, which cannot be identified in the skin. Th e para viral exanthems include Gianotti-Crosti syndrome, Pityriasis rosea, Pityriais lichenoides, Papular-purpuric gloves and socks syndrome, and asymmetrical perifl exural exanthema. nilateral mediothoracic exanthema, eruptive pseudoangiomatosis are not so common and eruptive hypomelanosis have been described recently.