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Mir Anwar

Mir Anwar

Richmond Chest Hospital, South Africa

Title: Malnutrition in children- South Africa’s present scenario


Biography: Mir Anwar


Malnutrition occurs when an individual’s dietary intake is not balanced with nutritional needs. More than 75% of the children admitted in Public Hospital of sub-saharan Africa for any reason are suffering from malnutrition. Department of Health of South Africa publish that 15% of South African infants are born with a low birth weight. Th ere are 25% of pre-school children and 20% of primary school children in South Africa suff ered from malnutrition. Since 2011 to 2016 over the period of 6 years we followed total paediatric admission in Stanger Hospital, Natal Province, South Africa. Average annual admission is around 1400-1500 (excluding neonates) in paediatric wards, Around 9000 over last six years, female child are predominant, female and male ratio was found 60:40. Lack of breast feeding is also a cause for the malnutrition. The 2010 South Africa department of Health Study found that 30.2% of pregnant women in South Africa have HIV/AIDS and they are reluctant to breast feed their children. Malnutrition is the cause of severe poverty in sub –sharan Africa. According to statistics from the year 2000, 50% of the South African population is under the poverty line. Th e World Health Organization showed that over the span of thirteen years (1995 to 2008), the deviation from the average height of children under age fi ve in South Africa has decreased from 28.7% to 23.9%. Th e approac